AEIDL -European association for information on local development

NGO, Brussels (Belgium)
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Type of internship offered:  onsite and online

Partner since: 2017

AEIDL is a multicultural not-for-profit organization based in Brussels, offering first-rate consultancy and development across very different contexts (fisheries/coastal, urban, rural, mountains, islands and ultra-peripheral) and a range of policy themes (environment, and climate change, employment, inclusion, social innovation, social economy and entrepreneurship, migration, regeneration, agriculture and rural development, evaluation, etc.). AEIDL has 30 years of experience in working with the European Commission. Currently, AEIDL is part of four major joint ventures: FARNET, running the fisheries community platform - for DG MARE across 21 Member States; NEEMO , monitoring LIFE projects and communicating about the LIFE programme; and a joint venture, providing technical assistance to DG Employment on the European Social Fund EU-level platform. In addition, AEIDL is currently coordinating a Horizon 2020 grant to carry out the Social Innovation Community and a COSME grant to implement the European Migrant Entrepreneurship Network. AEIDL is currently involved as coordinator in projects as:  DESIRATRANSFORMSHERPAMOVING GENDER , MAX.  AEIDL also offers online internship opportunities.