Inercia Digital
Private company, Huelva (Spain)Visit the Web Site
Type of internship offered:
onsite and online
Inercia Digital is a young Andalusian company with outlets European wide. Its main objective is to contribute with innovative solutions to both e-business and web entrepreneurship skills for SMEs and entrepreneurs (e-learning on e-business). In cooperation with the Research Group GITICE (Technology of Information and Communication in SMEs of the University of Huelva), Inercia Digital develops the first Master’s Degree in E-Business and Web Entrepreneurship of the International University of Andalusia. Inercia Digital has, also, created the first Youth Web Entrepreneurs School of Andalusia. Inercia Digital is involved in several European projects funded by the European Commission. Inercia Digital is /was involved in the following projects: NEWCRE , GLOCAL , CYBERAWARE, THE “A” CLASS, POSITIVE PARENTING (P+), NOT LEFT BEHIND CHILDREN and SOCIAL INCLUSION FOR SENIORS BY SPORT.