José Paulo de Jesus Cesário Costa

"The internship experience was the best way to start my career in the field of the European Project Planning and Management."

Role: European Project Manager

I attended the fifth edition of the International Master “European Project Planning and Management”. After the theoretical part of the Master in Florence, I carried out my internship at the International Relations Department of Florida Universitària in Valencia, Spain.

This internship gave me the opportunity to put into practice many of the knowledge acquired during the intensive months of study in Pixel, as I was given immediate responsibilities over the Department' daily activities. In particular, I was asked to give support in writing project proposals and in managing ongoing projects, participating in project meetings, prepare reports and so on, allowing me to experience how European projects are ran in the real world. I also had the opportunity to participate in some parallel activities running by this University within the International Department labour and responsibilities.

This helped to carry out my work with autonomy and with the feeling and motivation that they were always putting confidence in my knowledge and abilities, so I struggled a lot to accomplish with the tasks I was assigned to carry out and to be up to the expectations they had about me and the recently acquired knowledge I was applying in the performance of my duties.

The internship allowed me to develop personal skills too: being asked to concretely work in a multicultural dimension and sometimes under pressure and with very tight deadlines, I increased the personal competences immediately related to this professional field, like time management, teamwork, self-confidence and work levelling concrete and specific objectives. Finally, the internship experience allowed me to meet people from other countries and different fields and backgrounds, with whom I learned a little more and presumed the possibility to work with in the future in the frame of European projects.

The internship experience happened to be the best way to start my career in the field of the European Project Planning and Management. At the end of the internship I was very involved and committed in some of the European projects running, and as they were needed to hire staff to overcome urgent needs at that time, I was promptly offered to work there in order to continue developing the work I was doing so far.

After a few months they proposed to me a new contract with better conditions which I accepted with great pleasure and thus I am working here at the moment with more responsibilities and involvement within the Institution.
This gives me the opportunity of growing on this specific field, valuing and applying everything that I learned during the Master, either in the theoretical part in Florence or in the internship here in Spanish.

Now I have the possibility to keep learning in first hand those things we can only learn on the field and develop more several interesting contacts.
I am very happy and I feel quite fulfilled with the choices I made and the results obtained.

I hope to continue to progress professionally and personally and become a competent and even more accomplished project manager.
I thank all those who have allowed me to get here!

Valencia, December 2017