Ilaria Torquati

"Thanks to the contacts developed during my internship, I was offered a position as Innovation & Research Consultant at i2m"

Role: Innovation & Research Consultant

After several years of research activity in Medicinal Chemistry at University of Camerino and work experience in pharmaceutical industry, I attended the 5th edition of the International Master in “European Project Planning and Management” in 2016 – 2017.

I carried out a three-month internship at Evolaris next level GmbH, a company with expertise in mobile communication and innovation based in Graz (Austria).
The experience was a valuable training to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the classroom course and the tasks assigned by my tutor were consistent with the programme of the master.
The tutor was extremely able to transfer important information and fully willing to answer at my questions and provide clear explanations.
I was integrated into the group from the beginning, my colleagues were helpful and friendly and I was actively involved in several activities and events organized by the company.
With reference to the activities carried out, I gathered experience in research of relevant calls of proposals for the company (national, interregional and EU funding programmes), partner search and project management activities (e.g. attending meetings with partners, writing reports and supporting in achievement of project deliverables).
I often attended conferences and seminaries in Graz and surroundings.

The experience as intern at Evolaris was an important step from a personal and professional point of view. I reinforced my motivation and enthusiasm to work in the field of EU funding opportunities and I had the opportunity to launch my career and open new job perspectives. Moreover, I improved my interpersonal and communication skills and my knowledge of German language.

At the end of the internship, the hosting institution was able to offer me a contract part-time as Assistant EU Project Manager for other two months. Thanks to the contacts developed during my experience at Evolaris, I was offered a position as Innovation & Research Consultant at i2m, a technology and business development consultancy based in Graz, where I´m currently working.

I´m fully satisfied with my choice and highly recommend the Master to those people who are searching for new challenges, as well as a personal and professional growth.
My advice is to work hard and constantly during the master classroom, put a great effort into the final project work. Moreover, to be proactive and build a network of contacts during the internship.These are the key elements that can help to obtain successful results in a short time.

Gratz, November 2017