Testimonial on the Master program
The master gave me solid theoretical basis and practical skills in EU project management. Through workshops and case studies, the Master also gave me the opportunity to share knowledge and ideas with experts in the field and to acquire the skills necessary for the preparation of European projects. The multicultural and interdisciplinary composition of the classroom is also something extremely valuable, as it gave me the opportunity to work in team and establish contact at a truly European level. I am now working at the University of Florence, Department of Industrial Engineering. I am in charge of International Relations and more specifically of the analysis of European Calls for Proposals, the production of Final reports of international projects, institutional relations for research as well as monitoring of international plans.
Testimonial on the Internship
I did my internship at University of Florence. This experience was the preliminary step of my work experience as - right now - I am still working at the University of Florence, Department of Industrial Engineering. I am in charge of International Relations and more specifically of the analysis of European Calls for Proposals, the production of Final reports of international projects, institutional relations for research as well as monitoring of international plans.