"Amazing trainers. A very good opportunity. "


The Opportunity Centre
Bradford (United Kingdom)

Role: International Project Assistant

Testimonial on the Master program

The Master opens your doors for becoming involved in European projects. I have learned a lot. Amazing trainers. It is a very good opportunity.

Testimonial on the Internship

Although delivered remote, my internship experience at Aspire-igen (The Opportunity Centre) UK has proven to be very useful and fruitful. I was mostly involved in research and project management activities, such as: conducting desk research and interviews, participating in kick- off and monthly meetings, carrying out research activities for several Erasmus+ projects Aspire-igen is coordinating and participating in, compiling drafts for national/ EU reports and financial reporting.
As Aspire-igen is at the moment involved in many EU projects, being the coordinator for most of them, I had the chance of analysing different aims and priorities addressed in these. The projects I worked on target education and social inclusion of disadvantaged young people in VET and minority groups and this is a relevant background for me, as I am interested in societal topics. Moreover, all projects address the topic of innovation in delivering the project results.
All members of the team were very friendly and welcoming and those whom I worked more closely with have become my mentors in the management of EU projects. Following the end of the internship, I have been offered a temporary position as a Project Assistant for the Aspire-igen International team and since then I have become responsible for two of their projects. I sincerely recommend carrying out your internship at Aspire-igen and even more so if you have the chance to attend in person. Bradford (United Kingdom), August 2021