"An enormous added value for my professional career."

AEIDL -European association for information on local development
Brussels (Belgium)

Role: European Project Manager

Testimonial on the Master program

The knowledge gained during the Master have meant an enormous added value for my professional career. Apart from living a pleasant experience in Florence and making friends with whom I still have a great relationship, I obtained a full transversal knowledge regarding project management, its monitoring, planning and evaluation which nowadays I am putting into practice in my job as a project manager.
The internship in Conexx-Europe in Brussels has been a great professional and personal experience. The staff of Conexx always encouraged me to develop my project ideas, by motivating me to be proactive. I have learned a lot about different sorts of project, mainly in the area of International Cooperation and Development.
After the internship I was offered a job at Conexx-Europe in Brussels where I am currently working.

Testimonial on the Internship

The internship in Conexx-Europe has been a great professional and personal experience. The Conexx staff has been always welcoming and has helped me when doing my work, advising and supporting me in everything I needed. Moreover, which I appreciated the most was the fact that they always encouraged me to develop my project ideas, by motivating me to be proactive and to carry on working on this. I have learned a lot about different sorts of project, mainly in the area of International Cooperation and Development, such as human rights protection, social inclusion, education, employment, social responsibility and sustainable development. They work very actively and are running several projects in the above mentioned fields, which was very useful in order to learn a lot during my internship period. I’ m sure this training has been key in order to get my current work as project manager.