"A great time, full of study, work, ideas, brainstorming, practical activities, self-improvement, and full of life. "

PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l.
Palermo (Italy)

Role: Senior EU Project Manager

Testimonial on the Master program

Pixel is a great organization with a long experience in formulating, managing projects and teaching about the EU dimension. I had a great time in Pixel, full of study, work, ideas, brainstorming, practical activities, self-improvement and full of life. They gave value to our individual personalities to make each one of us aware of our capacities.
My internship was very successful. I am happy to say that my experience in Zinev Art Technologies in Sofia, Bulgaria cannot be more marvelous. I have the luck and the honour to work with colleagues whose kindness, respect and loveliness is beyond comparison. From the very beginning they have listened to my ideas. They gave me the possibility to submit an entire project of mine with my name as project manager. And we still have plenty of visions we will carry out together. I want to be nowhere else but here. I am proud to speak in present tense because my coordinator and I realized that we were not able to say goodbye and she asked me to be officially part of their amazing team

Testimonial on the Internship

I decided my internship to be away from anything I used to know in my past years, which is why I applied for Sofia, Bulgaria. I am happy to say that my experience in Zinev Art Technologies cannot be more marvelous: I have the luck and the honor to know and work with my coordinator Zori and my colleagues whose kindness, respect and loveliness is beyond compare. I am proud to speak in present tense because during the second month of my internship my coordinator and I realized that we were not able to say goodbye and she asked me to be officially part of their amazing team. From the very beginning they have listened patiently to my ideas, they tried to understand my personality and they have never made me feel an external creature coming from a wild land. They always accepted me the way I am, they helped me and gave me the possibility to submit an entire project of mine with my name as project manager. And we still have plenty of visions we will carry out together. I want to be nowhere else but here.