"A lot of sharing of experiences generating an invaluable working environment and cooperation."

FEC - Fundação Fé e Cooperação
Bissau (Guinea-Bissau)

Role: Project Manager

Testimonial on the Master program

I decided to hold this Master because I wanted to acquire knowledge about project management and about rules and procedures for funding opportunities. At Pixel, during the theoretical part of this Master, I had the privilege of meeting and taking classes with professionals in the field, specialists in different areas and funding programs of the European Commission, trainers with a lot of work and training experience. Their quality as trainers has been of very high-level and with clear and objective transmission of fundamental and relevant knowledge, in addition to the sharing of various essential resources and methodologies. The program and contents of the Master are well organized and provide many different and pertinent and coherent learning. The Master was very practical, which helped to effective consolidate the acquired knowledge, including the final project realized in group/team.
The group was made up of trainees from different backgrounds and different nationalities, the same for the trainers, and this greatly enriched the experience. There was a lot of sharing of experiences and a lot of group works, generating an invaluable working environment and cooperation.

Testimonial on the Internship

My internship was held at the international department of Florida University in Valencia, Spain.
I was very well received, supported and guided by my tutor, Laura Uixera, and by the whole team of this department. It was a great professional experience, both personal and human. I learned a lot from the work I did and the people I worked with.
I have been involved in different projects of different areas and programs, most of all Erasmus + but also Horizon 2020.
In this internship I had the opportunity to apply and develop the knowledge acquired in the theoretical part in Florence and to learn about more practical aspects, from cooperating in the elaboration of new projects for submission to the management of ongoing projects and logistical issues for some international meetings.
When the internship was over I was hired by Florida Universitària for a few more months, having been a privilege for me and the recognition of my dedication and the acquired and developed learning. Also the gratification of continuing to work with this excellent team and being involved in new projects.
It was an experience that exceeded my expectations and contributed me a lot in professional and personal terms. Thank you very much!