Youth in Action European Programme

Call for Proposals Sub-action 4.4

The Call for Proposals EACEA/19/12, Sub-Action 4.4 - Projects encouraging innovation and quality was published in the framework of the Youth in Action programme. The purpose of this cal ...


European Programme EURES

Call for proposals “Your First EURES Job”

The Call for Proposals “Your First EURES Job” has been published by the European Commission, Directorate Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion. The Commission is add ...


GRANT European programme

Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposal 44/G/ENT/PPA/12/6460, Cooperation projects to create transnational tourism products based on cultural and industrial heritage was published in the framework of the ...


In-Service teachers training courses: Videogames for Education and Media Education

Pixel organises two different in-service teachers training on the use of new media for educational purposes: 1) Edutainment, Videogames for Education 2) Media Education, Use of IC ...


Second Transnational Meeting for the Heppy project

The second meeting of the Heppy project was held in Madrid on 28 - 29 June 2012. The aim of the Heppy project, that is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelon ...


Second Transnational Meeting for the EET project

The second meeting of the E-ET project was held in Lisbon on 18-19 June 2012. All of the partner universities attended the meeting to jointly evaluate the results achieved so far and to ...


Competitiveness and Innovation European Programme

Call for proposals on Economic impact of social enterprises

The call for proposals 46/G/ENT/CIP/12/F/S01C24 has been published by the European Commission within the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) by the European Commission, Dire ...


Lifelong Learning Programme

Call for proposals on Implementation of the European strategic objectives in education and training

On 15 June 2012, the Call for Proposals EACEA/20/12 “Implementation of the European strategic objectives in Education and Training (ET 2020) (stakeholder cooperation, experimentat ...


European Programme Progress

Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals for “Reinforce learning networks for a more effective implementation of transnational actions under the ESF 2007- 2013” has been published,  in ...


European Project Planning, 30th edition of the In Service Training Course

 The 30th edition of the European Project Planning in service training course was held at Pixel this week. 23 participants from 10 different countries were involved in the training ...


The Future of Education, International Conference

The third edition of the International Conference “The Future of Education” will take place in Florence on 13 - 14 June 2013. The aim of the Future of Education Conferenc ...


European Programme Progress

Demographic and Societal Change

The Call for Proposals for “Progress: Supporting a Partnership for Enhancing Europe\'s Capacity to Tackle Demographic and Societal Change” has been published by the European ...


Sustainability of European Tourism

Call to support sustainability of European tourism

The call for proposals for “Support to transnational thematic tourism products as means of enhancing competitiveness and sustainability of European tourism”(43/G/ENT/CIP/12/ ...


Youth in Action Programme

Call for proposals of the Youth in Action Programme

The Call for Proposals EACEA/15/12, Action 4.3 - Youth Support Systems: Support to Youth Workers’ Mobility was published in the framework of the Youth in Action programme has been ...


European Programme Progress

Restricted Call for Proposals

The Restricted Call for proposals JUST/2012/PROG/AG/AD, Antidiscrimination and Diversity Action grants 2012, was published in the framework of the European Programme PROGRESS. The Europ ...


Calypso Programme

Call for Proposals of the Calypso Programme

The Call for Proposal 40/G/ENT/CIP/12/B/N/02S03 - Facilitating Transnational Low Season Exchanges in Europe through the Development of Social Tourism was published in the framework of t ...


European Partnership on Sports

Call for Proposals for Preparatory Action

The call for proposals European Partnership on Sports serves to implement the Preparatory Action "European Partnership on Sports" in accordance with the Commission Decisi ...


International Master in European Project Planning and Management

 It is now possible to enroll in the International Master on European Project Planning and Management. The objective of the International Master on European Project Planning ...


Information , Consultation and Participation of Representatives of Undertakings

Call for proposals

The call for proposals VP/2012/003 “Information , Consultation and Participation of Representatives of Undertakings” was published by the European Commission, Employment, So ...


Medea Awards

Pixel is now partner of the Medea Awards. The aim of the MEDEA Awards is to encourage innovation and good practice in the use of media (audio, video, graphics and animation) in educa ...


Industrial relations and social dialogue

European Call for proposals

The call for proposals VP/2012/001 “Industrial relations and social dialogue” has been published by the European Commission. The VP/2012/001 call for proposals is intended ...


ECHO, Civil Protection Financial Instrument

Projects on prevention and preparedness

The Call for Proposal: Projects on prevention and preparedness was published in the framework of the Civil Protection Financial Instrument of the European Union. The objective of th ...


European Pilot Projects

Call for proposals for European Pilot project on knowledge partnerships

The Call for Proposals DG EAC No EAC/ S03 / 201 for European Pilot projects for the development of Knowledge Partnerships/Knowledge Alliances has been published, within the Europe 202 ...


European Programme LIFE +

Call for proposals

  The Sixth Call for Proposals of the LIFE+ 2012 European Programme was published. The objective of the LIFE + European Programme is to support environmental and nature conservati ...


Youth in Action, European Call for Proposals

European Call for proposals - EACEA/06/12

On 14.3.2012, the European Call for Proposals EACEA/06/12, Action 3.2 - Youth in the world: Cooperation with countries other than the neighboring countries of the European Union for S ...


New European Project on Chemistry

The first meeting of the Chemistry Is All Around Network was held in Florence on 6 - 7 March 2012. The Network is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Lear ...


Using Video to Support Teaching and Learning

In service training course in Leuven

The course is addressed to  enthusiastic educators who would like to create their own educational video materials. This week-long residential course organised by ATiT combines theo ...


MEDEA Awards

Awards for innovation and good practice in the use of media

The aim of the MEDEA Awards is to encourage innovation and good practice in the use of media (audio, video, graphics and animation) in education. The awards also recognise and promote ...


The results of the selection for the Mobility project are available

Allows 21 graduates the opportunity to experience an internship abroad.

The results of the selection for the mobility grants in the framework of the Leonardo Da Vinci - PLM initiative have been published. Pixel, in the framework of the European Project M ...


Italian language course - Call for tenders

 Pixel in the frame work of the “Sanse egale si respect pentru femeile din Regiounile Nord Est si Centru” POSDRU/97/6.3/S/62900 project is looking to best offers for th ...
