European Project on Science Education
Third Transnational Meeting
Pixel organized, in cooperation with the host organization Limerick Institute of Technologies, the third meeting of the eLearning from Nature European project which was held on 3-4 April 2017 in Limerick (Ireland). The eLearning form Nature project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme (KA2 Strategic Partnership), is promoted by “Federico Enriques” VET school located in Castelfiorentino, while Pixel is the project partner in charge of transnational coordination and technical and administrative management. The eLearning from Nature European project aims at improving secondary school students’ basic skills in scientific subjects providing them with teaching materials exploiting the communicative potential of new technologies. During the third meeting, the European project partners presented the latest video lessons produced by teachers in order to support the learning of scientific subjects. In addition, the European project partners presented the draft version of the guidelines addressed to teachers in order to promote an innovative teaching approach towards scientific subjects. More information about the eLearning from Nature European project is available at: