European Project on Inter-Religious Dialogue
Fourth Transnational Meeting
Pixel organized and coordinated the fourth and last meeting of the European project entitled Pathway through Religions, which was held on 31 May 2019 in Prato (Italy). The European project entitled Pathway through Religions was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the field of School Education. The European project was written and coordinated by Pixel in cooperation with the project applicant and scientific coordinator CIPAT based in Florence (Italy). This European project aims to promote awareness of religions and foster a sense of mutual tolerance. During the fourth meeting, European project partners assessed and evaluated the results reached in the framework of the project, and discussed on how to exploit its results. More information about the European project entitled Pathway through Religions is available at: https://pathwaythroughreligions.pixel-online.org/.