International Mobility Initiative at Pixel
Computing and Creative Media
In the framework of the European project entitled after “Computing and Creative Media” and funded by the Erasmus+ Programme – Key Action 1, Pixel hosted a mobility initiative involving 10 students coming from the Angus College (Scotland) who spent 10 days in Florence from 20 to 29 May 2019. The objective of the Mobility Initiative was to give the participating students the opportunity to: have a practical in company work experience, learn about different working methods in use of enterprises in Italy, acquire skills to foster their future employability, acquire a better motivation to learn and get to know the European Labour Market. During the 10 days spent in Florence, Angus College’ students had each an internship in a Florentine company working in the field of web design. More information on this initiative is available at: http://europlan.pixel-online.org/MOB_previous_edition.php?id_crs=2