European Project on Soft Skills in Vocational Education
The Third Transnational Meeting
Pixel participated in the third meeting of the European project entitled VET-GPS – Guiding tools for Professional Skills development in VET, held on 1 – 2 April 2019 in Vienna (Austria). The European project entitled VET-GPS was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training. The European project has been written and coordinated by Mentortec (Portugal) and involves Pixel in the transnational partnership. This European project is aimed at including the soft skills in regular VET offer and preventing early VET leaving and increasing the possibility of employment of trainees. During the third meeting, the European project partners finalized the contents of both the Toolkit for Professional Guidance and Coaching and the Programme for Professional Development of Trainers/Tutors. In addition, the European project partners defined the structure of the Quality framework for VET-Business cooperation. More information about the VET_GPS European project is available at: