European Mobility for Professionals

European Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals VP/2015/009 “EaSI - PROGRESS - Mobility for Professionals” has been published by the European Commission, Directorate Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion.


The general objective of the “EaSI - PROGRESS - Mobility for Professionals” call is to test whether there is a need for a scheme for mobility for professionals with companies, in particular for SMEs and associations representing enterprises at European level. As part of the process of setting up and testing such a scheme, an analysis of the needs and feasibility to create it can be financed under this call. The testing (with a strong legal analytical dimension) could consist in an action supporting short term cross-border mobility for employees from a particular group of SMEs. The action could give financial support to a limited number of professionals identified for an exchange or a limited stay in another company.


Consequently, the “EaSI - PROGRESS - Mobility for Professionals” call aims to achieve the following operational objectives:

1) To examine the state of play and the need for action at European level and the situation of SMEs, in particular to assess the demand for EU action and to identify the obstacles faced by companies, in particular SMEs, based on the compilation of information on existing similar or complementary schemes at national and European level, a survey carried among SMEs, workshops with employers, and consultations and market research among European organisations representing enterprises;

2) To design, test and evaluate a pilot scheme supporting short term cross-border secondments for employees, in particular from small and medium companies taking into account the results of the survey and workshops with employers, the existing studies and the initiatives in place and the evaluation of the pilot scheme

3) To explore possible options for a future EU intervention in this area, possible benefits and obstacles, taking into account the results of the results of the analysis and of the pilot action


With the “EaSI - PROGRESS - Mobility for Professionals” call, the Commission aims to support actions of duration of 18 months consisting of the following components:

- producing an analysis of needs and obstacles: consultations, surveys and market research; workshops with representatives of companies; mapping existing initiatives and schemes in the EU; producing an analysis;

- a pilot scheme on short time cross border secondments and/or exchanges of employees, made up of 3 phases: Preparation - building networks and creating contacts between companies, operational infrastructure and conditions to facilitate the project of secondment; Implementation - testing the feasibility and modalities of secondments. Evaluation - Conclusions on feasibility and lessons learned from the pilot scheme should be presented in the final report.

- overall networking activities and coordination with the Commission facilitating a broad networking of stakeholders including: representatives from SMEs, sectors with a high international or cross-border activities; sectoral employer organisations, chambers of commerce, representatives from SMEs; representatives from specific professional associations, crafts organisations, etc.


The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of the action is estimated at EUR 2 000 000 maximum. Due to the complex character of the action the Commission expects to co-finance one project under the present call. The European Union's overall financial contribution will not exceed 95% of the total eligible costs of the proposed activities. The indicative date for the start of the projects is September 2015. The maximum initial planned duration of an action is 18 months. Applications for actions with an initial planned duration in excess of 18 months will not be considered.


The deadline for submitting proposals in the framework of the current “EaSI - PROGRESS - Mobility for Professionals”  call for proposals is 26 June 2015.


Further information on the current call for proposals is available on the European Commission’s web site at: