Recycle, reuse and recover raw materials

European Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals H2020-WASTE-2015-one-stage “Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials” topic WASTE-4d-2015 “Raw materials partnerships” has been opened by the European Commission, Directorate Education and Training.


The context in which the Call for Proposals H2020-WASTE-2015-one-stage “Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials” topic WASTE-4d-2015 “Raw materials partnerships” acts is the complex and heterogeneous world of waste streams. According to the features of the latter, it requires coordination and networking between researchers, entrepreneurs and public authorities to harmonise technologies, processes and services, to profit from benchmarking, sharing best practices, and gender mainstreaming, and to use or develop standards. Insufficient cooperation between different value chain players in several raw materials sectors results in lower recycling rates or suboptimal use of raw materials from an environmental and socio-economic point of view. Improved cooperation within or along different value chains and among stakeholders, including a participatory role of citizens, representing the wider society, and civil society organisations, can lead to more efficient use of raw materials and to waste reduction.


The purpose of the current Call for Proposals H2020-WASTE-2015-one-stage “Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials” topic WASTE-4d-2015 “Raw materials partnerships” is to support the challenge of the waste management. Indeed it requires coordination, pooling of resources and identification of global objectives and strategies, and holds a potential for export of eco-innovative solutions and seizing new markets. Dissemination at international level of knowledge on waste management, including environmental regulations and standards, can contribute to turning waste into a resource at global level and to setting up resource efficient waste management systems and technologies and services, particularly in developing countries and emerging economies. To this end, enhanced forms of participatory processes for all stakeholders are needed.


The Call for Proposals H2020-WASTE-2015-one-stage “Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials” topic WASTE-4d-2015 “Raw materials partnerships” aims to create a common multi-stakeholder platform focused on a limited number of key raw materials across their whole value chain. This should involve partners from across the value chain, including mining, processing, recycling, application, public sectors (national/regional/local) and civil society, while respecting the conditions of each value chain. The action shall support implementation of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Raw Materials.


Through the actions funded under the current Call for Proposals H2020-WASTE-2015-one-stage “Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials” topic WASTE-4d-2015 “Raw materials partnerships”, the expected impact is: - In the medium term, better-informed decision-making at EU and national level as well as by industry;

- Increased EU raw materials knowledge and transparency of EU raw materials information, for the benefit of various stakeholders;

- Boosting the raw material sector through an interdisciplinary and transnational cooperation allowing matching the supply and demand from the EU downstream industries.

- In the longer term, improving availability of key raw materials, while creating greater added value to the economy and more jobs.

- Facilitation of exchange of information and increased knowledge and use of the most advanced, economically effective and innovative technologies in the whole value chain of raw materials.

- Contribution to the implementation of the EIP on Raw Materials.


Under the current Call for Proposals H2020-WASTE-2015-one-stage “Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials” topic WASTE-4d-2015 “Raw materials partnerships”, eligible proposals will be coordination and support action. That is actions primarily consisting of accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies, including design studies for new infrastructure and may also include complementary activities of strategic planning, networking and coordination between programmes in different countries.


The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of the action is estimated at EUR 4 000 000 maximum. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 1 500 000 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.


The deadline for submitting proposals in the framework of the current Call for Proposals H2020-WASTE-2015-one-stage “Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials” topic WASTE-4d-2015 “Raw materials partnerships” is 21 April 2015.


Further information on the current call for proposals is available on the European Commission’s web site at: