Youth in Action, European Programme

Action 4.5, Support to information activities

The Call for Proposals 2013/C 85/08 Action 4.5 — Support to information activities for young people and those active in youth work and youth organisations has been published by the European Commission, in the framework of the Youth in Action European Programme.

The purpose of the current Action 4.5 call for proposals is to support projects which promote information and communication actions with a European dimension that are aimed at young people and youth leaders, in the context of the European Year of Citizens and the perspective of elections to the European Parliament in 2014.

The projects will aim in the long term to encourage the participation of young people in public life and to facilitate the achievement of their potential as active, responsible European citizens.

The “Support to information activities for young people and those active in youth work and youth organisations” call for proposals shall provide grants to projects. Preference will be given to those projects which best reflect the following priorities:

Permanent priorities of the Youth in Action Programme:

  • European citizenship,
  • Participation of young people,
  • Cultural diversity,
  • Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.

Among the annual priorities of the Youth in Action Programme:

  • Awareness-raising about EU citizenship and the rights that go with it, in the context of the European Year of Citizens,
  • Awareness-raising about participation in the 2014 European elections, thus enabling young people to behave as active, informed citizens.

Proposals must be submitted by non-profit organisations. These organisations can be:

  • non-governmental organisations (NGOs),
  • public bodies at regional or local level,
  • National Youth Councils.

Applicants must — at the specified deadline for submitting their proposals — have been legally registered for at least two years in the Member State of the European Union (or in Croatia) where the project is to take place.

The total budget allocated to the co-financing of projects under this “Support to information activities for young people and those active in youth work and youth organisations” call for proposals is estimated at EUR 2 040 000. Financial assistance from the Agency shall not be granted for more than 80 % of a project’s total eligible expenses.

The deadline for submitting proposals in the framework of the current “Support to information activities for young people and those active in youth work and youth organisations” call is 27 June 2013.

Further information on the current call in the framework of the Youth in Action Programme is available on the European Commission’s web site at: