European Project promoting STEAM and Robotics

The Second Transnational Meeting

Pixel organized and coordinated the second meeting of the European project entitled SEN teachers to use robotics for fostering STEAM and develop computational thinking – RoboSTEAMSEN which took place on 12 – 13 September at EuroEd Fundatia located in Iasi (Romania). The European project entitled RoboSTEAMSEN was written and coordinated by the project applicant University of Leon (Spain) in cooperation with Pixel, also supporting the coordination of the planning process. The project was funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 – Cooperation Partnerships in School Education.The RoboSTEAMSEM aims at providing teachers of students with intellectual or developmental disabilities with methodologies and tools for fostering STEAM by using Robotics and Active Learning Methodologies. During the second meeting, the European project partners presented the prototype of the user model, planned the development of the guide and samples and analyzed the contents to be produced for the online training course. More information about the RoboSTEAMSEN European project is available at: