Pixel and Via Carpatia sharing experiences and best practices

Pixel hosted a study visit

Sharing experiences with the aim of developing skills and competences is a key aspect in European projects. As reflection of this, training agencies dealing with European projects talk and meet each other, discuss about their activities, share experiences and best practices. With this objective, on 10 September 2024 Pixel hosted the visit of a group of 7 project managers representing the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Via Carpatia (https://viacarpatia.eu/en/home/) based in Košice (Slovakia). EGTC Via Carpatia was established by the Košice Self-governing Region (KSK) and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County to serve as a key advisory and analytical unit in regional development, including the development and management of European territorial and Research & Development projects. The organization has extensive experience in the implementation of international projects in various fields, including education, circular economy, environmental topics, care for the elderly, support of the local economy, tourism, and many others. We also cooperate with many partners throughout Europe. During this visit, Pixel and EGTC talked about their experiences, shared their best practices and discussed about further opportunities to cooperate.