European Project supporting Nurses’ Trainings
The First Transnational Meeting
Pixel organized and coordinated the kickoff meeting of the European project entitled Innovation Skills for Nurses - Curriculum development for up-skilling specialist nurses (SN) and advanced practice nurses (APN) which took place on 18 – 19 January 2023 at Pixel premises in Florence (Italy). The European project entitled ISN was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education. The ISN project was written and coordinated by the project applicant and scientific coordinator University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology from Târgu Mureș in cooperation with Pixel, also supporting the coordination of the planning process. The ISN project aims at developing appropriate and innovative solutions for the training of Specialist Nurses (SN) and Advanced Practice Nurses (APN) as well as at updating the skills of trainers (dealing with in-service nurses) and lecturers (dealing with student nurses). During the first meeting, the European project partners introduced themselves as well as their project’s related experiences and expertise. The main activities to be carried out were presented and discussed, as well as the templates to be used. More information about the ISN European project is available at: https://innoskillsnurses.umfst.ro/index.php.