European Project supporting Innovative Teaching Methodologies

National Meeting

Pixel organized a national meeting in the framework of the European project entitled GRT – Golden Ratio Teaching: Interactive approaches and positive attitude for improving teaching and training skills. The national meeting took place online – using the Zoom web platform – 5 May 2021. The European project entitled GRT was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnerships for School Education. The GRT project was written and coordinated by Foundation for Development of the Cultural and Business Potential of Civil Society (Bulgaria) and involves Pixel in the transnational partnership. The aim of the European project GRT is to support the attainment of key competence knowledge by students in Europe by introducing an ideology of teaching that appeals to and is useful for all types of learners. During the national meeting, the Italian teachers involved in the GRT project have been informed about the innovative teaching methodologies (flipped classroom, visual facilitation, mind-mapping, storytelling, etc.) identified by the partnership and were asked to choose one of the working groups for the development of the related lesson plans. More information about the GRT European project is available at: