European Project Promoting ICT in Science Teaching at University Level
Fourth Transnational Meeting
Pixel organized and coordinated the last meeting of the European project entitled FICTION – Functional ICT Instruction On the Net, which took place online using the Zoom web platform on 23 April 2021. The European project entitled Fiction was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnerships for School Education. The Fiction European project has been written and coordinated by Pixel in cooperation with the project applicant and scientific coordinator Södertörn University based in Södertörn (Sweden). The aim of the FICTION project is to enhance teachers' knowledge to teach students to use digital tools for their own understanding of Science and to identify weaknesses and strengths in teaching digital tools in schools. During the last meeting, project partners presented the current results related to the entire project. A special attention was dedicated to the feedback on the training activity that was organized on Zoom and to the quality assessment of the teachers involved in the project. More information about the FICTION European project is available at: