European Project Enhancing Skills in STEM through Arts and Mini-Games
Multiplier Event
On 19 March 2021 Pixel organized and coordinated the Multiplier Event entitled after “STEM Education through Arts and mini-games”, hosted by the “New Perspectives in Science Education” International Conference. The Multiplier Event was organized in the framework of the G.A.STEM European project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the field of School Education. The G.A.STEM European project was written and coordinated by University of Turku based in Turku (Finland) and involves Pixel in the transnational partnership. The G.A. STEM aims at improving motivation in scientific study through the use of “Art-works” as supporter in student creativity development and more awareness of their applications in everyday life. The Multiplier Event was composed by the following speeches:
- “An overview on the G.A.STEM project: objectives and aims” by Antonio Giordano (Pixel, Italy) and Heli Brander (University of Turku, Finland);
- “Art and mini-games for STEM: from students for students” by Greet Bekaert (Sint-Lievenscollege, Belgium) and Michela Tramonti (EU – Track, Italy);
- “Generating game ideas with your students” by Mikhail Fiadotau (Tallinn University, Estonia).
More information about the European project entitled G.A.STEM is available at: