European Project on Language Teachers Digital Competences
Transnational Meeting
Pixel participated in the second meeting of the European project entitled DC4LT – Digital Competences for Language Teachers, which was held on 10 – 11 June 2019 at St. Petersburg (Russia). The European project entitled DC4LT was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education. The European project was written and coordinated by Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) based in Trondheim and involves Pixel in the transnational partnership. The DC4LT project aims at empowering EU Language Teachers with Digital Competences in order to strengthen them with open and innovative tools and methodologies, and be able to teach online and mobile to a worldwide audience. During the second meeting, the European project partners discussed about the results of the Digital Competence Assessment Survey for Language Teachers realized at European level. In addition, the European project partners discussed the market study of digital skills required from language teachers produced by Pixel. More information about the European project entitled DC4LT is available at: https://www.dc4lt.eu/.