European Project on the Prevention of Early School Leaving

Information Event

On 15 December 2016,  in the framework of the European project Non-For-Lesl, Pixel organized the Information Event entitled Non-For-Lesl Goes to the Public. The multiplier event -  as these types of events are defined in the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships KA2 projects - was organized at Pixel site in Florence. The aim of the multiplier event was to provide participants (professional community and other stakeholders involved in the educational scene) with detailed information about the NON-FOR-LESL project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnerships. The NON-FOR-LESL project, promoted by Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany), aims at preventing early school leaving through the recognition of non-formal learning and the production of a tool for the validation of the skills acquired through informal educational paths. During the “NON-FOR-LESL goes to the Public” event, the main outputs produced in the framework of the NON-FOR-LESL project, with a specific focus on the MyKey tool (, were fully described and explained to all participants. Thanks to this, participants received detailed information about the requirements posed by the European Commission in relation to the need for the validation of non-formal learning. More information about the “NON-FOR-LESL” European project is available at: