European Programme on Economic independence of women and men

Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals JUST/2014/RGEN/AG/GEND “Action grants to support projects on equal economic independence of women and men” has been published by the European Commission, Directorate-General Justice.


The “Action grants to support projects on equal economic independence of women and men” call for proposals for action grants is based on the 2014 annual work programme of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC Programme) . It general purpose is to co-fund projects aiming to promote equality between women and men.


With a focus on equal economic independence, the current “Action grants to support projects on equal economic independence of women and men” call for proposals aims to support national actors in promoting equality between women and men, to improve gender mainstreaming in the policies and programmes of the participating countries, and to achieve the objectives defined in the European Strategy for equality between women and men and the European Pact for gender equality. The funded projects will seek to promote European goals of equality in national policies. Applicants shall explain and demonstrate how their proposal is aligned with the respective EU policies and with the documents published by the European Commission and referred to below.


In the framework of the current “Action grants to support projects on equal economic independence of women and men” call, priority will be given to proposals dealing with equal economic independence of women and men, including aspects such as reconciliation of professional and private life and how to share housework and care responsibilities more equally between women and men. However, other themes of the Commission’s Strategy for equality between women and men are not excluded from the scope of this call.


As far as the eligible actions are concerned, the “Action grants to support projects on equal economic independence of women and men” call may provide funding for effective national and/or transnational awareness raising activities and/or innovative policy research aiming at:

- supporting, in particular for men, flexible working arrangements (e.g. part time work, job sharing, reduced hours etc.) through campaigns using role models and pioneers;

- highlighting the benefits of family-friendly measures to encourage companies to implement them; fighting against the adverse consequences affecting parents who make use of their right to family leave, and fighting stereotypes at company level that prevent men from making use of parental leave, paternity leave or part-time;

- counteracting the stereotype that domestic work does not fit the traditional picture of masculinity, by using authentic gender-balanced role models;

- Providing new evidence on innovative ways of organising work and -time that would enable a better work-life balance and better sharing of domestic tasks and care responsibilities between women and men.


The indicative total budget under this call for proposals is EUR 3 350 000. The EU grant requested cannot be lower than EUR 100 000. There is no upper limit. The funding under this call is based on the co-financing principle: the grant cannot constitute more than 80% of overall eligible project costs The Commission reserves the right not to award all available funds, and/or to redistribute the amounts per priority depending on the projects received and the outcome of the evaluation procedure. The initial duration of the projects should not exceed 24 months.


The deadline for submitting proposals via the PRIAMOS system in the framework of the current “Action grants to support projects on equal economic independence of women and men” call for proposals is 31 March 2015.


Further information on the current call for proposals is available on the European Commission’s web site at: