The Master Programme, 8th Module

Project Planning for Horizon Europe – Pillar 1

The eighth module of the Master in European Project Planning and Management was delivered from 15 to 17 November 2023. It focused on Project Planning for Horizon Europe – Pillar 1. The trainer, Katia Insogna, provided depth insights on grant writing for the main programmes constituting the 1st Pillar of Horizon Europe: the European Research Council (ERC grants), the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions programme (MSCA) and add some information about the Research Infrastructures. For each programme an overview of the main objectives, participation, eligibility and evaluation rules together with a detailed presentation of the latest available grants was provided, with hints and tips, DO’s and DON’Ts for proposals’ development/writing and project management. Participants were asked to evaluate real proposals as well as build up new project ideas with interactive working group sessions.