European Project for the Promotion of Social Economy

Transnational Meeting

Pixel hosted the third meeting of the ELDORA (Education for Local Development of Rural Areas) European project, which was held on 17 June 2019 in Florence (Italy). The European project entitled ELDORA was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training. The European project has been written and coordinated by the Agency for the Support of Regional Development based in Kosice (Slovakia) and involves Pixel in the transnational partnership. This European project is aimed at strengthening the key competences and skills of young people at their final year at schools (VET institutions and universities), unemployed young people and leaders in rural areas to help them start a social enterprise in order to better utilize local natural and human resources, to increase economic development of rural areas and to prevent brain drain. During the meeting, European project partners finalized the didactic material and the video interviews realized with social enterprises. More information about the ELDORA European project is available at: