European Project on Kindergarten Education

The Third Transnational Meeting

Pixel organized and coordinated the third meeting of the European project entitled TIK – Tradition and Innovation@Kindergarten, held on 12 – 13 April 2019 in Kaunas (Lithuania). The European project entitled TIK was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the field of School Education. The TIK European project has been written and coordinated by Pixel in cooperation with the project applicant, the Municipality of Guada Ssuar (Spain). The TIK European project aims at improving pre-school pupils’ basic and transversal competences through the transnational comparison of traditional tales. During the third meeting, project partners went through the contents of the Guides and finalized them. The project partners also presented the state of art of the storytelling activities and shared the media products already available. The section of the TIK portal hosting the storytelling activities results and the media products was presented and discussed. Finally, Andrea Peraldo provided the instructions for uploading the information on the portal and within the Youtube channel of the TIK project. More information about the TIK European project is available at: