"You get to meet people from all over the world."

Proximus Engineering Ltd
Sofia (Bulgaria)

Role: Director of Business Development

Testimonial on the Master program

The master provided me with relevant knowledge and skills on project planning and management, which are also applicable to other aspects in business and economy. The training contents were very relevant and a lot of practical activities were organized. Another positive aspect of the course was the trainers, who are project evaluators, officers in various EU institutions, and experts in European projects, who shared practical insights, gained from their personal experience. The internship was also very useful, because I experienced how European projects are run in real life. What was also great about the course is that you get to meet people from all over the world with whom you can build long-lasting friendships and future business connections. In our edition we had people from 15 different countries. Thanks to this master course I can now start planning a project for my own company.

Testimonial on the Internship

In addition to the theoretical course in Florence each student had to do an internship in an organization working in the field of European projects. This was very useful, because the students get a real experience of how these projects are ran in real life and business; how ideas are developed into successful project proposals, funded by the EU. The internship also offers the students employment possibilities in some cases. Many of my colleagues stayed in their internship organizations now working for them full-time, many of them also received job offers, others established stable contacts in foreign countries, which could be used for future partnerships (which was also my case).
What was also great about the course is that you get to meet people from so many different countries, cultures and backgrounds, with which you can build long-lasting friendships and future business connections. In our edition we had people from 15 different countries.