"This Master enabled me to go beyond the "theory" and to have a grasp of what European projects are and how they work in practice."

Yaoundé (Cameroon)

Role: UN Fellow in Programme Support

Testimonial on the Master program

I graduated in Political Science from LUISS Guido Carli and I hold a MA of Arts in European Studies at LUISS School of Government. I always thought to be more suitable for very concrete, down to earth jobs, which is precisely why I decided to attend the International Master in European Planning and Management. This Master enabled me to go beyond the "theory" concerning European Union and to have a grasp of what European projects are and how they work in practice. After the three month period in Florence, I went to Porto to intern at Inova Mais for three months. After the three months of internship, I continued to collaborate with Inova Mais as Assistant project Manager for other three months. After that I was chosen to work at the British Council EU Affairs Department in Brussels. I have so far supported the application process of three project proposals, one of H2020 and two of Erasmus plus. Brussels, June 2017