Testimonial on the Master program
This master analyzes the methods and techniques for successfully planning and managing European projects. The training was at a high level, with a competent group of trainers. The material was prepared well, clearly, and with interesting examples. The practical training aspect, during the class room sessions and the traineeship, outweighed the lecture parts. Which I think is the strongest point of this Master. Furthermore, the environment and the atmosphere at Pixel is very stimulating and it is a great opportunity to be able to network with a diverse range of colleagues. The internship was also a valuable resource and a great learning experience which has broadened my understanding of the European funding world. The experience I gained is the best way for my future career in European Project Planning and Management and opened up a new horizon of career options.
Testimonial on the Internship
I had the opportunity to take part in a traineeship at Europe for Business (EFB) a company which focus
on supporting Industrial and Research organisations in defining and implementing their innovation and
research strategies, to solve societal problems. Even though the traineeship was a long distance one, it
was a busy one. Gaining a "real world" perspective on the occupation of a project manager, in the field of
European project, planning and management. During the three months traineeship, I developed practical
skills on how to develop competitive proposals and create networks and partnerships. EFB is active in
the field of dissemination, communication, training activities as well as, coordination and support actions.
The traineeship mentor and his personal assistant, EFB project manager, were available at any given
moment, during the traineeship. Regular contact through skype meetings and other types of
communication medium were used.
The internship was a valuable resource and a great learning experience. It has broadened my
understanding of the European funding world in general and has given me a strong foundation and
valuable experience for my future career.
Manchester (United Kingdom),
I had the opportunity to take part in a traineeship at Europe for Business (EFB) a company which focus
on supporting Industrial and Research organisations in defining and implementing their innovation and
research strategies, to solve societal problems. Even though the traineeship was a long distance one, it
was a busy one. Gaining a "real world" perspective on the occupation of a project manager, in the field of
European project, planning and management. During the three months traineeship, I developed practical
skills on how to develop competitive proposals and create networks and partnerships. EFB is active in
the field of dissemination, communication, training activities as well as, coordination and support actions.
The traineeship mentor and his personal assistant, EFB project manager, were available at any given
moment, during the traineeship. Regular contact through skype meetings and other types of
communication medium were used.
The internship was a valuable resource and a great learning experience. It has broadened my
understanding of the European funding world in general and has given me a strong foundation and
valuable experience for my future career.
Manchester (United Kingdom),