ICI-ECP Programme

Call for proposals in the framework of the ICI-ECP Programme

On 30 November 2011, the Call for Proposal for Joint Mobility Projects (JMP) and Joint Degree Projects (JDP) was published in the framework of the ICI-ECP Programme. The ICI-ECP Programme promotes co-operation between the European Union and seventeen industrialized and other high-income countries and territories in North America, the Asia-Pacific region and the Gulf region.

The general objectives of the ICI-ECP Programme are:
• to enhance mutual understanding between people of the EU and the partner countries including broader knowledge of their languages, cultures and institutions
• to enhance the quality of higher education and training by stimulating balanced partnerships between higher education and training institutions in the EU and in partner countries

The current Call for Proposals of the ICI-ECP Programme supports co-operation with Australia and the Republic of Korea by means of Joint Degree and Joint Mobility projects and includes the following priorities:
• structured exchanges of students and faculty members
• joint development of joint or shared curricula and joint study programmes
• award of joint or double degrees in the case of Joint Degree projects.

The target groups for the results of this ICI-ECP Programme’s call for proposal are:
• Students and members of the academic and administrative staff in higher education institutions and post-secondary training institutions

Eligible participants within this ICI-ECP Programme’s call for proposal are:
• consortia of higher education institutions in the case of Joint Degree Projects
• consortia of vocational and training institutions in the case of Joint Mobility Projects
Eligible applicants must be from one of the Partner Countries and from one of the 27 countries of the European Union

There are two types of eligible actions that can be funded within this ICI-ECP Programme’s call for proposal:
• Joint Mobility Projects
• Joint Degree Projects

The total budget available for this ICI-ECP Programme’s call for proposal amounts to €. 2,3 million. 
The maximum amount of funding on the EU side will be € 350 000 for a four-year JDP project with two or more EU institutions and € 262 500 for a three-year JMP project with three or more EU institutions.

The deadline for submitting proposals in the framework of the current Call for Proposals in the framework of the ICI-ECP Programme is 30 March 2012.

Further information on the current Call for Proposals of the ICI-ECP Programme  is available at: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/bilateral_cooperation/eu_ici_ecp/funding/call_2011_en.phpl