Life+ Programme

New Call for Proposal in the framework of the Life+ Programme

The Life+ Programme, the European Financial Instrument for the Environment, has published the 2010 call for proposals.

The Objective of the 2010 Life+ Programme Call for proposal is to promote European projects in the framework of three main areas: nature and biodiversity; environment policy and governance; and information and communication.

The Life+ Programme Nature and Biodiversity area supports European projects that contribute to the implementation of the EU\'s Birds and Habitats Directives, and that contribute to the EU\'s goal of halting the loss of biodiverity.
The Life+ Programme ‘s maximum co-financing rate can be 75 percent, but is normally 50 percent.

The Life+ Programme Environment Policy and Governance area supports technological European projects that offer significant environmental benefits, for example process or efficiency improvements. This part of LIFE+ also supports European projects that improve the implementation of EU environmental legislation, that build the environmental policy knowledge base, and that develop environmental information sources through monitoring (including forest monitoring).
The Life+ Programme ‘s maximum co-financing rate can be up to 50 percent.

The Life+ Programme Information and Communication area co-finances European projects that spread information about environmental issues, such as climate change and conservation. This strand of LIFE+ can also support forest fire prevention awareness and training campaigns.
The total budget of the fourth Life+ Programme call for proposals is up to €243 million available for co-financing of projects under the three headings: nature and biodiversity; environment policy and governance; and information and communication.
The Life+ Programme ‘s maximum co-financing rate can be up to 50 percent.

The Life+ Programme Regulation allows EU countries to specify national priorities in relation to each LIFE+ call for proposals. For the 2010 call, eight countries (Estonia, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Sweden) have exercised this right. Projects submitted within the current call for proposals of the Life+ Programme from those countries are more likely to be selected for funding if they are in line with the relevant national priorities, as well as with the Life+ Programme criteria.

The final deadline for the sending of the Project proposals submitted within the Life+ Programme to the relevant national authority is the 01 September 2010.
Final announcement of the projects chosen for funding is expected in July/August 2011, with projects starting at the earliest on 1 September 2011.

The European Commission has scheduled Information sessions in each EU member state, in the national language, for potential Life+ Programme applicants. The sessions will provide valuable advice and guidance on what national authorities and the Commission expect from project proposals to be submitted within the Life+ Programme . Potential applicants are advised to attend one of these workshops.

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