Applied Research Projects

ESPON 2013 Programme, Call for proposals for Applied Research Projects

On 3 May 2010, the Call for Proposals for Applied Research Projects was published in the framework of Priority 1 of the ESPON Programme.
Projects, to be funded under the Call for Proposals for Applied Research Projects, shall support policy development by creating European wide, comparable information and evidence on territorial dynamics, potentials and challenges focusing on development opportunities for regions and cities.

The Call for Proposals for Applied Research Projects includes the following 2 themes:
1) Applied Research Projects on European seas in territorial development
Total available budget: 800.000 euro (one single proposal will be selected)
2) Applied Research Projects on Indicators and perspectives for services of general interest in territorial cohesion and development

Total available budget: 1.000.000 euro (one single proposal will be selected)

Potential beneficiaries of the Call for Proposals for Applied Research Projects are public and private bodies.

The Call for Proposals for Applied Research Projects refers to Priority 1: Applied research on territorial development, competitiveness and cohesion: Evidence on European territorial trends, perspectives and policy impacts. Actions foreseen under this priority intend, among other things, to continue carrying out applied research building new evidence based on comparable information addressing major territorial challenges and priorities.

These objectives will be reached through the following actions:
a) Cross-thematic and thematic analysis, including studies of territorial trends and prospective studies
b) Knowledge Support System

Action A) Applied research projects: Cross-thematic and thematic analysis and territorial impact of EU policies
The objective of the action on applied research projects: Cross-thematic and thematic analysis and territorial impact is to achieve a greater understanding of the complexity of territorial development.
The analytical activities of projects funded in the framework of the Call for Proposals for Applied Research Projects will have to address territorial elements, types and phenomena in a given socio-economic context.

Action B) Knowledge Support System
A Knowledge Support System (KSS) will be set up to make sure that projects of applied research will have a sound scientific base and meet a sufficient degree of scientific quality. The KSS will be implemented as a project led by the Managing Authority. The KSS will materialise in several independently operating Sounding Boards, each of which will be responsible for one applied research project . The main activities of the project Sounding Boards are: Assessing the applied research project proposals, Giving advice, Assessing the results of the applied research projects.

The deadline for submitting proposals in the framework of the Call for Proposals for Applied Research Projects is 28 June 2010.

Further information on the Call for Proposals for Applied Research Projects is available here