European Programme EURES

Call for proposals “Your First EURES Job”

The Call for Proposals “Your First EURES Job” has been published by the European Commission, Directorate Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion.

The Commission is addressing the challenges of facing the recovery of the EU in its Europe 2020 strategy. The flagship initiative \'Youth on the Move\', the Youth Opportunities Initiative3 and to a large extent the Employment Package \'Towards a job-rich recovery\' set out key actions to foster transitions and enhanced youth participation in the labour market. One of these actions is the preparatory action \'Your first EURES job\', approved by the European Parliament and the Council following a proposal by the European Commission.

\'Your first EURES job\' is a new targeted job mobility scheme that was launched in 2012. The Youth Opportunities Initiative announced the scheme as an instrument to help 5 000 young people find a job in other EU countries in 2012-2013.

The objective of the \'Your first EURES job\' call for papers is: 
- to contribute to fill bottleneck vacancies with available youth workforce at EU level
- to foster youth employment through labour mobility across the 27 Member States

The current  call for proposals of the European Commission includes the following priorities:
- to provide young people with more job opportunities across Europe, contribute to improving the functioning of the EU labour markets and fulfil the employment target of the Europe 2020 strategy;
- to contribute to achieving the objectives of the flagship initiative \'Youth on the Move\' and the Youth Opportunities Initiative with respect to youth labour mobility in Europe;
- to complement and strengthen the role played by the EURES network in promoting and supporting intra-EU job mobility, including fighting massive youth unemployment as a result of the crisis

The target groups of the “Your first EURES job” call for papers are:
- young people
- employers and, in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- employment services

The actions that can be funded within the EURES Programme  can include:
- to reduce labour market imbalances at EU level by boosting job mobility between in particular EU countries with high youth unemployment and those countries facing skills shortages in specific economic sectors
- to encourage participation of small and medium sized enterprises (SME\'s) in the action in order to tap the potential of SME\'s to recruit young mobile workers.

The total available budget for this call is EUR 3 250 000. The European Union\'s financial contribution will not exceed 95% of the total eligible costs of the proposed activities, of which: a minimum of 80% will be aimed at grants to third parties (young people and SMEs) and financing the preparatory training, and a maximum of 20% at co-funding the eligible costs of the selected applicant organizations for the implementation of the action. The Commission expects to finance three to six projects (indicative). The maximum EU grant will be limited to approximately EUR 1 million per beneficiary.

The deadline for submitting proposals in the framework of the current call for proposals of the EURES Programme  is 20 September 2012.

Further information on the current Call for Proposals of the EURES Programme  is available on the European Commission’s web site at: